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KMWorld Cover

October 2007, [Vol 16, Issue 9]


Employing ECM in human resources

Human resources (HR) is both document- and process-intensive—a perfect scenario for using enterprise content management (ECM) technologies.

ECM: Handling the complexities of CAD

The U.S. economy is now considered to be knowledge-based, with much of its value derived from intellectual capital and service activities. However, even a knowledge-based economy depends on a physical infrastructure supported by energy, transportation and other tangible components.

A safety net for insurers

Insurance companies are depending on knowledge management (KM) to determine risk, price policies, control costs and improve customer service.

Report management and mining— Adding value front to back

ECM MARKET ROUNDUP: Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007


News Analysis

The new FRCP: a progress report

The new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) have been in effect for about 10 months, so it seems a good time to take a look at how organizations are tackling yet another big information management mandate. We talked with leading e-discovery expert and Forrester principal analyst Barry Murphy about the scope of the new rules.

Privacy, norms and politics

There are at least 500,000 cameras in the city of London, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal, which also reports that you're recorded on average 300 times a day there. Every station has had cameras since the 1990s. Yet life hasn't changed much. Why not?

KM takes over center stage


The Future of the Future

The Future of the Future: Overcoming resistance to change

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